Save Your Marriage from Crisis:

Restore Harmony & Trust After Porn

Is your marriage falling apart?

Whether your partner just found out or she's exhausted from the cycle, if you're facing a marriage crisis due to pornography and feelings of betrayal, you need an immediate reset. These issues can rapidly wear you down and destroy your relationship.

In fact, according to law firms, 70%, of divorce filings involve pornography.

But here's the good news: it's not a hopeless situation.

I've developed a proven formula that not only facilitates your partner's healing process but also guides you through recovery. Since 2021, I've been dedicated to saving marriages, with a 100% success rate.

My passion lies in helping couples understand each other while overcoming the challenges of pornography, and restoring trust and love.

I'm here, ready to embark on this healing journey with you. Let's rebuild your marriage together, stronger and more connected than ever before!

Save Your Marriage from Crisis👇

Private Coaching for Couples:

A one-of-a-kind program, specialized in quick-healing after pornography!

In this program I Will Help:

  • Her to Understand Your Struggles With Porn

  • Restore Intimacy & Physical Affection

  • End the Fighting & the Arguing

  • Rebuild Trust

  • Help You Quickly Overcome Porn & Sexual Addiction

Features & Tools Include:

  • 100% Success Rate for 3+Yrs

  • Individual & Couple Calls as Needed

  • Private Texting

  • Online Course for Men

  • Resources for Women

  • 30-Day Porn Recovery Program

  • Support Group for Men

Testimonials 👇

🌟I've seen an incredible change!🌟
So many things have changed in our marriage for the better and I can see the love and pride my husband has for himself now. It has been a physical, spiritual, and emotional change for him. I am so thankful for this journey we are on

Melissa R.

🌟Saved my marriage!🌟
I am so thankful for what Heather and Fight the Beast has done in my life. After years of struggling with mental health, I saw a video on the connection between porn addiction and mental health. The amount of help that Heather gave through a tough time in my life as well as my marriage was a God send. My calls with her were pivotal in my healing journey. She also had several calls with my wife to help her through the process. We are so grateful for Heather and her mission to help marriages and individuals achieve a higher level of living. It was amazing to see the benefits of getting healthy. Porn had stolen so much from my marriage and my own individual physical and mental health. It was amazing to go from a place of addiction and not wanting to live anymore, to a place of less anxiety, less impulsive behavior, more peace, better emotional and physical relationship with my wife, more intentionality with my kids as well as better focus at work. Heather and her program saved my life and my marriage and for that I am forever grateful!


About Me 👋

Your Go-To Coach For Porn Recovery❤️‍🩹

I'm Heather Nielsen and I'm a porn and sexual addiction recovery coach and founder of Fight The Beast.

Since 2021, I've had the privilege of working with men and couples through journeys of healing and understanding– guiding over 2500 members from 30+ countries.

My approach is all about compassion and understanding. Working with primarily men, I've come to intimately understand porn use from a male perspective, but as a woman, I also understand the intense emotions of a wife feeling betrayed.

This dual perspective allows me to offer insights and strategies that genuinely address the needs of both partners.

I'm here to help you both heal, reconnect, and build a stronger, more loving relationship.

Your marriage may be in crisis, but its not hopeless!

Let's work together to turn this challenge into an opportunity for growth.

Program FAQ

>> How is this course different from traditional marriage counseling?

Unlike general marriage counseling, this program is laser-focused on helping men overcome pornography addiction and its impact on their marriages. With a track record of a 100% success rate in helping couples in crisis since 2021, my approach combines deep understanding and practical strategies for both the individual struggling with addiction and their partner. This specialized focus ensures a clear pathway to healing, trust, and stronger emotional bonds.

>> What results can we expect from completing this course?

Couples who actively engage with the course and apply its strategies can expect to see improvements in communication, a renewed sense of trust, deeper emotional intimacy, and a healthier approach to managing challenges related to pornography and betrayal.

>> Can this course help if only one partner is willing to participate?

While participation from both partners is ideal, individual partners can still gain significant insights and strategies to apply within their marriage. I have helped many men navigate the challenges of "being in the doghouse" and to rebuild trust in the marriage.

>> How Much Does it Cost?

$7,500–Just kidding! That's the median cost of divorce in the US. This program however is only $349 for 30-Day Crisis Intervention and for additional months if needed. Schedule a FREE consult w/ me!

I also offer a self-guided online course version for $99. Start Your Healing!